Dress Code
As a professional school, this dress code is intended to contribute to the overall
professional development and appearance of the students. The following items of clothing
or clothing styles are unacceptable for students attending classes in the Florida
A&M University School of Business and Industry:
* Wearing these items for medical, religious, or weather purposes is acceptable with documentation.
SBI Forum Dress Code
*With respect to fitting of clothes, “in all things consider moderation!”
SBI students are expected to dress in “corporate” attire during certain components
of Professional Development. These are the guidelines for FORUM attendance ONLY:
A student will be permitted one unexcused absence per credit hour of the course he
or she is attending. A student exceeding the number of unexcused absences may be
dropped from the course and assigned the grade of "F." Students may be readmitted
to the class with the dean's and the instructor's permission. Students are responsible
for all assignments, quizzes and examinations at the time they are due and may not
use their absence from class as a plea for extensions of time to complete assignments
or for permission to take make up examinations or quizzes. (FAMU Electronic Catalog)
Excused absences are issued to students in order to prevent academic repercussions
from a legitimate life event. It is not designed to accommodate students who have
not acted
responsibly. Per University policy, students can be excused for the following reasons
(a) illnesses, (b) participation in activities, programs, and business as a University
representative, and (c) circumstances or emergencies that are deemed beyond the student's
control. The following link details the procedure for requesting an excused absence.
Proper documentation must accompany this request.
SBI official excuse request form
"An academic honesty violation shall include a student who gives or takes information
or material and wrongly uses it to aid himself/herself or another student in academic
endeavors. It shall further include receiving unauthorized written or oral information
from a fellow student. Additionally, it shall include stealing, buying, selling or
referring to a copy of an examination before it is administered." (p. 69 Fang Student Handbook)
"A student who assists in any of the academic honesty violations shall be considered equally responsible as the student who accepts such assistance." (p. 70 Fang Student Handbook)
Cheating: We recommend that faculty have discretion to give cheating students an "F" on the assignment, a course grade of "F" or faculty can pursue school/university suspension, dismissal or expulsion against the cheating student(s).
"In the instance of papers written outside of the class, academic honesty violations
shall include plagiarism. Plagiarism may be specifically defined for the purposes
of any course by the instructor involved. Unless otherwise defined, plagiarism shall
include failure to use quotation marks or other conventional markings around material
quoted from any source. Plagiarism shall also include paraphrasing a specific passage
from a specific source without indicating accurately what the source is. Plagiarism
shall further include letting another person composes or rewrite a written assignment." (p. 69 Fang Student Handbook)
"A student who assists in any of the academic honesty violations shall be considered equally responsible as the student who accepts such assistance."(p. 70 Fang Student Handbook)
Plagiarism: We recommend that faculty have discretion to give students who plagiarize an "F" on the assignment, an "F" in the course, or faculty can pursue school/university suspension, dismissal or expulsion against students who plagiarize.
Grade changes can be made for the following reasons: (a) when it is determined that a grade was recorded in error, (b) when removing “I” grades and (c) as a result of a student’s successful appeal of a grade. Academic units wishing to request grade changes must submit a “Grade Change and Academic Record Update Form” to the Registrar’s Office for approval and processing. The form must contain the signature of the respective academic Dean in order to be processed.
SBI Student Academic Grievance Procedures