SBI Guidelines

Dress Code
As a professional school, this dress code is intended to contribute to the overall professional development and appearance of the students.  The following items of clothing or clothing styles are unacceptable for students attending classes in the Florida A&M University School of Business and Industry:

  • Footwear:  Bare feet, Slippers
  • Pants:  Pants or jeans with holes or cut out parts in inappropriate places
  • Skirts:  Micro-mini skirts, shorts or skirts shorter than mid-thigh
  • Sleepwear, swimwear, dirty or very tight attire
  • Clothing with sexual, drug or violent graphics, themes or statements; derogatory or profane language
  • See through clothing or clothing that reveals undergarments
  • Provocative or revealing clothing that does not properly cover stomach, chest, breast, back, buttocks and/or pelvic areas, (e.g., midriffs, halters, mesh, netted shirts, tube tops, crop tops, spaghetti strap tops/blouses)
  • Revealing piercings or tattoos on the stomach, chest, breast, back, buttocks and/or pelvic areas
  • Do-rags, skull caps*, baseball caps, hoods* or sunglasses*

*  Wearing these items for medical, religious, or weather purposes is acceptable with documentation. 

SBI Forum Dress Code
*With respect to fitting of clothes, “in all things consider moderation!”
SBI students are expected to dress in “corporate” attire during certain components of Professional Development.  These are the guidelines for FORUM attendance ONLY:


  • Suits: Conservative cut; solid pinstripe or pin check.  Choice of colors:  NAVY, DARK GRAY, DARK BROWN, or BLACK.  NO OLIVE, NO MAROON, multi-color trim, no zippered suit jackets or skirts, no prints.  Skirts should be straight or pleated; easy to sit in.  Conservative length, no more than two inches above the knee.  No high slits or side openings.  Skirt must match suit jacket.  Ladies may wear pantsuits that meet the above criteria of conservatism (jackets must match the slacks).  The longer jackets (knee length or ankle length) are not permitted.
    • Note:  Navy and dark gray are “power” colors and the most appropriate for Forum and interviews.
  • Blouses: Solid colors, white and pastel; silk and cotton; (NO PRINTS).  Accent with multi-color scarves.
  • Hose: Natural taupe, off-black, navy blue, gray.  No knee-highs.
    • Note:  All hose should be sheer enough to see the natural skin tone. White is inappropriate.
  • Shoes: Black, navy, or brown to match wardrobe; BASIC PUMP only with medium or low heels.  No open toe, open back, sling, loafers, lace-up or multi-color trim shoes.  NO BUCKLES OR STRAPS.
  • Jewlry: Should be minimal.  One ring per hand, bracelets that do not dangle or detract.  Women may wear small earrings – one earring per ear.  Women may wear small stud earrings (no gypsy hoops).
  • Hair: Maintain a neat, professional and well-groomed haircut/style.
  • Piercings: NO facial adornments


  • Suits: Conservative cut; solid pinstripe.  Choice of colors:  NAVY, CHARCOAL, DARK GRAY, or BLACK.
  • Shirts: Cotton or broadcloth:  solid or conservatively striped.  Choice of colors:  white or pale blue (sky blue).  The darker shirts are not permitted.
  • Ties: Medium width ties – three inches, silk if possible; colors muted and in contrast to the suit.  Designs should include neat striped patterns or small dots; paisley is acceptable, but should be muted.  Ties should always cover belt buckles.
  • Socks: Over the calf length in black, charcoal gray, or navy.  Socks should always cover calves.           
  • Shoes: Wing tip or cap toe, leather loafer (tassel or penny); in dark brown, black, or cordovan.  NO BUCKLES OR CHAINS.  PLAIN SHOES ONLY.            
  • Hair: Maintain a neat, professional and well-groomed haircut (no braids, no dreads).  Unkempt disheveled styles are not acceptable.
  • Piercings: NO facial adornments

A student will be permitted one unexcused absence per credit hour of the course he or she is attending.  A student exceeding the number of unexcused absences may be dropped from the course and assigned the grade of "F."  Students may be readmitted to the class with the dean's and the instructor's permission.  Students are responsible for all assignments, quizzes and examinations at the time they are due and may not use their absence from class as a plea for extensions of time to complete assignments or for permission to take make up examinations or quizzes. (FAMU Electronic Catalog

Excused absences are issued to students in order to prevent academic repercussions from a legitimate life event. It is not designed to accommodate students who have not acted
responsibly.  Per University policy, students can be excused for the following reasons (a) illnesses, (b) participation in activities, programs, and business as a University
representative, and (c) circumstances or emergencies that are deemed beyond the student's control.  The following link details the procedure for requesting an excused absence.  Proper documentation must accompany this request.

SBI official excuse request form

"An academic honesty violation shall include a student who gives or takes information or material and wrongly uses it to aid himself/herself or another student in academic endeavors.  It shall further include receiving unauthorized written or oral information from a fellow student.  Additionally, it shall include stealing, buying, selling or referring to a copy of an examination before it is administered."  (p. 69 Fang Student Handbook)

"A student who assists in any of the academic honesty violations shall be considered equally responsible as the student who accepts such assistance." (p. 70 Fang Student Handbook)

Cheating:  We recommend that faculty have discretion to give cheating students an "F" on the assignment, a course grade of "F" or faculty can pursue school/university suspension, dismissal or expulsion against the cheating student(s). 

"In the instance of papers written outside of the class, academic honesty violations shall include plagiarism.  Plagiarism may be specifically defined for the purposes of any course by the instructor involved.  Unless otherwise defined, plagiarism shall include failure to use quotation marks or other conventional markings around material quoted from any source.  Plagiarism shall also include paraphrasing a specific passage from a specific source without indicating accurately what the source is.  Plagiarism shall further include letting another person composes or rewrite a written assignment." (p. 69 Fang Student Handbook)

"A student who assists in any of the academic honesty violations shall be considered equally responsible as the student who accepts such assistance."(p. 70 Fang Student Handbook) 

Plagiarism:  We recommend that faculty have discretion to give students who plagiarize an "F" on the assignment, an "F" in the course, or faculty can pursue school/university suspension, dismissal or expulsion against students who plagiarize. 


Automated Student Feedback and Complaint System

Each student within the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) School of Business and Industry (SBI) has the opportunity to share their feedback and voice their concerns to the Dean of the School via the Dean’s Office automated application system.  The application is only accessible from the “sign-in laptop” available in the lobby of the Dean’s Office.

Upon entering the Dean’s office, the “sign-in laptop” is available with the application running. The student is greeted with a prompt to click the start button to log a concern or provide feedback. The student information sheet appears where the student is asked to enter data in three sections: contact information, area of concern, and an expected solution.

The contact data requested are: name, student ID, FAMU email address (enforced using data validation) and telephone number. Optionally, students can identify any office or individual who referred them to the Dean’s Office. The options available for the students to identify an area of concern are: Registration, Scholarship or Graduate Assistantship, Override, Faculty Grievance or Grade Change, and other. If the student selects Faculty Grievance or Grade Change, the student is required to enter the Faculty Name, Course Name, Code and Section, and also select checkboxes to identify if they have visited the Faculty, Department Chair, and/or the Assistant Dean (The Grievance Procedure with the Application is available at the web link below.).  If Other is selected, a description of the concern is required.  After selecting an area or combination of areas of concerns, the student is required to describe briefly the concern and state how they would like the situation to be resolved. The student then submits the form, which closes out the system and saves the complaint in the Dean’s Office password protected folder.  The Dean’s Assistant accesses and triages the complaints by routing them to the appropriate person and scheduling appointments so that the issues/complaints can be resolved.


Grade Change Procedure - Procedure for changing recorded grades

Grade changes can be made for the following reasons: (a) when it is determined that a grade was recorded in error, (b) when removing “I” grades and (c) as a result of a student’s successful appeal of a grade.  Academic units wishing to request grade changes must submit a “Grade Change and Academic Record Update Form” to the Registrar’s Office for approval and processing.  The form must contain the signature of the respective academic Dean in order to be processed.


Academic Grievance Procedures

SBI Student Academic Grievance Procedures


SBI Graduate Policies

SBI 2016 Graduate Policies