SBI Alumni Programs provide opportunities for Alums to support the school's mission and interact with fellow SBIans throughout the country and around the world.
Recruiting strong students, well focused on becoming part of the global business environment is our objective. As Alumni you can help. You know what it takes to succeed here, and you know what it takes to excel in the fast-paced world of global business exchange. Because of this, we want you on our team and we strongly believe that your involvement is a SBI next generation strategic advantage.
Why Participate?
Becoming a part of SBI Recruitment Ambassadors means that become our eyes and our
ears. You become the polished face that gets superstar candidates excited about business
administration in general and SBI in particular. You too can help SBI retain its competitive
advantage by attracting and enrolling the "Best and Brightest." Who better to tell
prospective students about SBI than a SBIan?
The Alumni Mentoring Program provides currently enrolled students with informal, real world advice that will help them navigate a successful path through FAMU/SBI while they explore academic and career interests. A network of SBI alumni volunteers serves as informal mentors and advisors. Mentors share perspectives on their own education and career development, offer advice about their professional fields, and share advice on how to prepare for life after graduation.
Through use of instructional technology, we want SBIans to participate in Professional Leadership Development activities such as close-ups, receptions, and PLD classes. This will give our business students additional opportunities to hone their professional leadership development skills by practicing with SBI alumni.
We need SBIans to contribute to the SBI Alumni and Friends Gift Giving Campaign. The funds raised will be used to supplement the limited funds SBI receives from the State of Florida and our corporate partners. SBIans can encourage their firms to donate funds to SBI as well. These funds will be used for supporting student activities, faculty development, technology enhancements, and hardship scholarships. An annual report will be published to delineate how the funds were used.
SBI Alumni... Re-engage with us! - Submit your contact information!